Ruth was an unexpected choice by God to be part of His plan, and her story shows how God accepts and honors those who are not traditionally considered important
Tess Brown
Esther risked her life to speak with the king and stop the mass slaughter of her people. Her courage and faith are an example of how to do God's will, even when it's difficult.
Mary Magadalene
Mary Magdalene was one of the first to see the empty tomb. The blessing of seeing Jesus on the cross and later seeing He defeated death was necessary to our faith.
Doris Patel
Rahab was a woman who was an entrepreneur and protected the spies for God. She was necessary because she was the first non-Israeli to unite with Israel. READ MORE..
Naomi was a strong, faithful woman who served as a mother to her sons and daughters-in-law. She was a role model for her daughters-in-law, and Ruth learned about God and accepted him as Lord through Naomi's influence.
Sarah is considered the first of the four Matriarchs and symbolizes motherhood for the world. Sarah was the mother of Isaac, the son who fulfilled God's promise to Abraham to be the father of a nation.